This process will guide you through the steps to submit a new distance. First, select your name in the list below.Once you selected your name initially the system will remember it on this device when you come back next time.
Type or Select Your Name:
Select your nameAlexander Arnstein (800K)John Byon (800K)Connie Cheng (400K)In Cho (400K)Ruth Chon (800K)Tina Diekmann (400K)Lars Ferbitz (400K)Jacky Frey (800K)Manuela Häberling (800K)Christof Hagen (1200K)Nansook Ham (400K)Jakob Herrmann (400K)Kathryn Hunt (1200K)Nicholas Kenny (1200K)Sabine Krzok (400K)Mara Krzok (400K)Louis Kwan (400K)Ellen Lee (400K)Julie Lee (400K)Rene Lenherr-Fend (800K)Ling Leong (1200K)Heidi Margelisch (400K)Paul Matenga (400K)Linda McFadden (1200K)Belinda McLeod (400K)Manuela Niederberger (400K)Susanne Olling (400K)Priska Poletti (800K)Mario Poletti (800K)Patrick Riekert (1200K)Pauline Scheelbeek (400K)Marco Schmidt (800K)Jana Schmidt (800K)James Sims (800K)Carol Sims (400K)Jane Skov (2000K)Tina Smilkstein (1200K)Jin Song (400K)Luz Thompson (400K)Markus Weber (400K)Henrik Westerlin (1200K)Beth Wild (400K)